Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Topic and Essential question

This week I have been talking to my mentor, Dan about my graduation project and I have decided that I want to do it on Petroleum Engineering, since engineering is something I am interested in pursuing in the future. I want to be an engineer, but I want to explore another field of engineering besides electrical. Also, this is something I have had exposure to and am very interested in. Over April break, I have been visiting an oil field with Dan. He owns an oil rigging business and I have seen some of what they do to prepare for the beginning of the process of oil drilling. I talked to him and he is willing to help me with finding more information about the subject and since I already often visit the oil field with him, I can get out and get more experience in this field of engineering. In regard to my essential question, Im thinking that it should be, How are Petroleum Engineers involved in the processes of engineering? and What is involved in the process on drilling oil?
I think this is something I can spend months on because from what I have found on the subject, the processes take months at a time and people in a variety of fields, such as geologists, Engineers, and others who work together during these processes.

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