Friday, June 19, 2009


Today, I looked back at my foundation questions and am answering the question, "What do petroleum engineers do?" I have taken some notes on this and some other questions and will continue to do so. I am using sites from my webliography. I also today worked on my interview questions. I have about ten questions for a petroleum engineer that I am planning to interview. I will be trying to get in touch with him soon. I am really confident in my project now, since I am easily finding information and I am organized in planning what I am going to do for my project. In doing some of my notes, I have found that petroleum engineers are involved in just about every process of oil drilling, like finding new oil fields, or telling what is going on underground. I also found that engineers analyse the rocks underground, and determine if there is oil underground of where an oil field is found.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

After our presentations, I have started to use my sources that I have found and am taking more notes. I am getting more confident in my project the more and more I find on my topic. I am happy that I am doing a project that I am interested in and not a project that would be easy to finish. Now I am thinking about my interview, when I am going to do it, and what questions that I am going to ask. I already have some questions in mind that I would like to find out about oil drilling and petroleum engineering. Also, now, I know exactly what I am going to do for my action. Also, since engineers aren't on the site as much as everyone else and may be very busy at times, I am going to have to schedule an interview at a specific time. I'm thinking of an email interview or a phone interview, although if I can, I would rather do a face to face interview.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Today, I started my proposal. I'm having trouble figuring out what I'm going to do for my action. So I guess I'm going to talk with my metor about getting a job at his company for an action.